


Why Liposuction?

Liposuction Liposuction, also known as liposuction is a surgical and aesthetic intervention to permanently remove the accumulated fat in certain areas of the body (lipoméries) by sucking using foam nozzles: thighs, stomach, back, arms, with handles love, calves, ankles, knees, etc. For most people, the intervention is very short, between 20 minutes and 1 hour and practice is most often an outpatient, although in some cases a night extra hospitalization is required, including the withdrawal of more large amounts of fat.

The popularity of this procedure is due to the fact that people now feel less guilty of having used a cosmetic procedure to find a harmonious silhouette. Especially now that it is a proven technique that has made its way for more than 40 years, and predictable results. In the end, thousands of people flock every day in the offices of plastic surgeons at the request of liposuction.

Liposuction is not a miracle cure

However, we do not lure, liposuction is not a cure for obesity. This is an alternative to thinning and may be performed at well-defined locations and for which physical exercise or diets are ineffective. Moreover, cosmetic surgeons routinely advise to be as close to his ideal weight to perform liposuction. Thus, only the fat that could not be removed by dieting or exercise will be processed and, moreover, much more effectively.

Caution, however, resort to liposuction is one thing, a healthy lifestyle is another. Indeed, if the liposuction fat is effective and the final results, the patient that overcomes a healthy lifestyle, however, risk of fat accumulation occur in areas that have not been processed. Good advice: eat healthy, exercising regularly, avoid stress, tobacco and alcohol ...

The areas treated with liposuction

This procedure can treat all areas of the body suffering from fatty deposits and affects both women and men. The most common applications are those that target the tummy, hips, thighs on their inner and outer face (saddlebags), knees and waist. The face can be treated with liposuction include the double chin. Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the male breast liposuction may indicate that aims to remove the level of the excess fat breasts.

Before liposuction operation

One to two prior consultation with the plastic surgeon is essential to clearly define patient goals and relevance of the request. The surgeon performs an examination and careful consideration of the areas to be treated. The quality of the skin, including its potential shrinkage is carefully examined by the surgeon. Indeed, poor skin elasticity is not a guarantee of a satisfactory result, the skin to be redrape a reshaped and refined silhouette. In cases of substantial skin laxity, the plastic surgeon offers other operative procedures in order to conduct a skin retightening that is also called an abdominoplasty or abdominal dermolipectomy abdominoplasty where, this time, skin and fat are removed.

Within 15 days minimum reflection is applied before the procedure. A detailed estimate and an operative record are given to the patient.

Preoperative blood test is carried out as prescribed. Taking aspirin should be avoided during the 10 days preceding the intervention of liposuction.

The patient should consult the anesthetist between one month and 48 hours before the procedure. It must remain fasting ie, drink or eat for 6 hours before surgery.

The type of anesthesia depends on the size and multiplicity of areas to be treated, consultation between the cosmetic surgeon, the anesthesiologist and patient: if general anesthesia is traditional, local anesthesia or sedative may be also performed as appropriate.


The duration of hospitalization depends on the magnitude of the response and the patient's health. Liposuction can be performed as an outpatient, ie in and out the same day. For liposuction performed under neuroleptic analgesia, the plastic surgeon recommends a hospital which can be either one-day or 24 hours, ie the entry before or the morning of the procedure and exit the day after the intervention.

The progress of the operation

The duration of the operation varies between 20 minutes and 1:30, depending on the area to be treated and the amount of fatty deposits to be removed. The cosmetic surgeon, with very thin cannulas (up to 5 millimeters), proceeds to the aspiration of excess fat to reshape the silhouette. The incisions are tiny and hidden in the natural folds, allowing optimal concealing scars. In some cases, liposuction may be combined with other complementary surgical procedures such as lipofilling. The fat from areas suffering from excess fat is reinjected on depressed areas (without relief buttocks, legs, facial depressions ...) can help or participate in a breast augmentation without prosthesis. The cosmetic surgeon then performs a measurement on rebuilding of the silhouette.

The considerable changes in surgical techniques now allows the eviction of the relief of the skin irregularities after surgery; using micro cannulas, harmonious aspiration of deep layers in cases of liposuction of the face and neck, technical embrittlement fat before aspiration, reduced technical bleeding ... Following the intervention of liposuction, the cosmetic surgeon prescribes the wearing of a compression garment adapted to the patient's morphology to limit postoperative edema and bruising.

After the operation and results of liposuction

The cosmetic surgeon recommends a recovery of about a week. For important liposuction, the cosmetic surgeon prescribed anticoagulants. Moderate pain can be felt but are attenuated by conventional analgesics. The eviction too intense activity or sports for a month is recommended. The son is absorbable, there is no place to take them. The onset of edema is classic but the wearing of compression panty allows mitigation after a month, then its total resorbability after 3 months. The cosmetic surgeon can possibly advise lymph drainage sessions for some subjects.

The results are optimal when the skin begins to soften and adapt to the morphology of the patient refined. Fat cells do not have the ability to remultiplier, liposuction intervention provides definitive results.

The risks and complications of liposuction

Like any surgery, liposuction can be risky. Seek a qualified surgeon in aesthetic surgery, plastic and reconstructive, with the skills and experience required, and following the evolution of surgical techniques, can significantly limit risk, or if the case had to treat them effectively. This is why prior consultation with the plastic surgeon and anesthesiologist are important. Very rare complications may be related to anesthesia, but also to the surgery. The anesthetist informs the patient of the risks during the consultation. These risks are extremely rare when the anesthetist is competent and that the intervention is done in a serious context with optimal monitoring methods.

Cases of phlebitis, pulmonary embolism, necrosis or infections have been reported but are extremely rare. If imperfections are found, a recovery in the local anesthetic block is enough to correct them.

Surgical technique created by Dr. Yves Gerard Illouz in 1977, liposuction is now the most performed cosmetic procedure in the world. Liposuction is by far the only reliable way to effectively remove excess fat localized and resistant to diets and sports. Whatever the origins of fatty deposits removed, the results are in the vast majority of very satisfactory and definitive case.

